What is Halitosis?

What causes periodontal disease and/or halitosis?

An increase in opportunistic oral bacteria is the most common cause of these persistent and chronic conditions.

The following conditions can add to your symptoms:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Dental Cavities
  • Mouth odors caused by foods that we eat
  • Hunger odors (ketosis)
  • Some prescription drugs
  • Hormonal changes and stress
  • Digestive disorders like GERD or acid reflex

We have what it takes to help!

The Fox System is a uniquely successful individualized treatment program, which is provided in a caring and professional clinical setting. We have helped many patients start new lives after years, or even a lifetime, of living with the resulting halitosis of chronic oral infections.

By screening all of our dental patients, we can diagnose infections in their earliest stages, before they cause permanent bone damage or embarrassing halitosis, and treat them.

Our clinical staff is expertly trained in the science of fresh breath and healthy gums and how to make it work for you. Our patients are always treated with expert care and sensitivity.

We understand the difficulties, social impact, and stress that results from living with bad breath and periodontal problems and welcome the opportunity to change your life.


What causes bad breath?

Bad breath comes from many areas of the mouth. It may come from the tonsils, pharynx, tongue, cheeks and gums. Bacteria digest protein and release foul odors and toxins causing bad breath.

What causes periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease occurs when bacteria lodge under the gum. The bacteria cause inflammation and break down the bone surrounding the teeth.

How does Dr Fox diagnose and treat the bacterial infection?

Dr. Fox uses sophisticated cameras and microscopes to diagnose where the bacterial imbalance occurs. The problem is treated with early stage intervention. The use of periodontal instruments, ultrasonic’s, and individually prescribed anti bacterial medications promote healing and fresh breath; a non surgical approach.

Does the infection effect smell?

Yes, smell is overwhelmed by the odors that the bacteria emit; substantially reducing the joy of eating and leaving an undesirable taste in the mouth.

What percentage of people have bad breath and periodontal disease?

It is estimated that at least 50% have bad breath and 75% have periodontal disease.

How does the oral infection effect the rest of the body and your general health?

Infections can potentially lead to serious systemic problems such as arthritis, diabetes, respiratory infections, carotid artery occlusion (stroke), coronary occlusion (heart attack), increase in pancreatic cancer in men, low birth weight babies and premature delivery.

How does bad breath effect your social and work relationships?

Many people have lost jobs because of offensive breath and it’s effects are very negative in a social setting.

What is the cure rate?

It is estimated to be approximately 99%

Book Your Breath Consultation Today!

Join patients from all over the world who have said goodbye to chronic bad breath.

Or call 212-953-1544